Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Mentor and Friend

June 14th, 2005 is a day that lives with all of us at Traditions Training, The FDNY, Kentland VFD and the Lund Family. That was the day we lost Peter Lund in a hometown house fire in Woodmere, N.Y. Seven years have passed and although the days have not gotten any easier without talking to him, his knowledge and experience is passed on everyday. As a founding member of Traditions Training, he just wanted to get out and share all that he had learned in his storied career in the FDNY, and the experiences as a volunteer firefighter in his hometown and at Kentland. His teaching method was by far not from any book or class. His own unique style could capture any audience from the youngest firefighter in the room to the veterans. And although his vast knowledge was passed on, sometimes you would not even know you were learning something. He would tell you one of his famous stories and relate all the details in his unique NY accent and humor. This humor would usually have you laughing so hard that your stomach hurt and you were crying. But when the story was over and you thought about it, you were always able to extract the information he was trying to get across. And God knows he had a lot of stories to tell you. To the members of his "Rescue 2" in New York he was known as Lt. Vulcan "God of Fire", and those of us that were not as fortunate as the men he worked with,we can only imagine how he earned that name.

When you talk about Pete, or hear people talk about Pete it is usually the same sentiments. Humble, Always ready to listen, Loved to talk, always willing and able to spread his knowledge to any firefighter regardless of rank, age or experience and above all a great friend. Seven years have gone by and there is not a class that Traditions Training teaches that we do not honor him and pass on the lessons that he passed on to us. What anyone of us would give to hear one more story and see that smile or hear that accent. And although we lost a great fireman and instructor, we have to remember that he also was a fabulous father and husband. And our thought are always with Andrea, Matt and Val.